Re: [Evolution] Evolution 3.10.2 Can't empty (expunge) trash

On Wed, 2014-01-29 at 12:32 +0000, Pete Biggs wrote:
My headache is that Evo 3.10.2 is inconsistent with 3.6.3/4 and previous
versions.  3.10.2 has menu items and keyboard shortcuts that don't work,
such as "Empty Trash" when trash folder is located on IMAP Server and
Zoom Ctrl++.  

With Evo 3.10.2 and 3.10.3 if I delete a mail massage, it's moved to
Real Trash folder on the IMAP server. The Real Trash folder contents
can't be expunged with a single mouse click as with Evo 3.6.3/4. The
sometime 100's of Trashed Files can only be expunged individually. 

So don't use a real trash - it's a configurable option as I said before.
It's not compulsory.
If I use the default, the Trash is stored on the Desktop PC where the
user was logged in when he deleted the files. These files can't be
accessed and recovered by the user from his laptop, another workstation
or Webmail. Checking the IMAP server shows that deleted files are moved
to the real /.INBOX.Trash on the IMAP server and remains available to
the user independently whether he logs in using Evolution from any of
our Desktops, Laptops or by Webmail.  

Also the Menu items "Edit->Preferences->Mail Preferences->Delete Mail
[On Exit, every time, etc" do not work anymore.

Don't work in what way?  Are they greyed out or something?
The menu items are active. They just don't work as they worked with Evo
3.4 and 3.6. I am considering compiling from 3.4 source with static
libraries. This was the only version of Evo that worked perfectly for

Is there any way I can fix these 3 problems? or do I have to switch to
Mozilla Thunderbird and reconfigure 15 PC's and retrain 50 users?

Most of the things you mention work fine for me - I'm using 3.10.3 on
Fedora 20.
Which of the things don't work on Fedora 20? Expunge real Trash Folder?
The Ctrl++ keyboard shortcut?


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