Re: [Evolution] Many mails never reach the recipients - Evolution 3.10.4

On Thu, 2014-02-20 at 20:14 +0100, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
On Thu, 2014-02-20 at 20:02 +0100, Ángel wrote:
I wouldn't recommend installing sendmail just for this. Looking at
simple suitable programs, I would suggest
(other alternatives include nullmailer, esmtp and smail, plus
full-fledged mailers, of course)

I installed  sendmail  and  msmtp .

Once I have configured one of them or both, how has Evolution to be
configured to use them (or to send to them)?

You need to setup a new account and as part of the config process you
set the Sending type to be "Sendmail" - unfortunately you don't seem to
be able to change the sending type after an account is configured.   The
account can have "None" as the receiving type so you don't have to
configure it to retrieve mail.

But first make sure that sendmail/msmtp/whatever is working properly
before trying to use it with Evolution.


Pete Biggs                              pete.biggs @

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