Re: [Evolution] Many mails never reach the recipients - Evolution 3.10.4

Ralf Mardorf wrote:
On Wed, 2014-02-19 at 16:40 +0000, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
* Note which addresses fail. Is it always the same ones or do they
Do some addresses never fail?

I will monitor this for a while by a checklist.

With an outdated version of Opera (Suse 11.2) I never experienced this
issue within the last weeks, but I seldom used it.

JFTR I noticed that when I sent mail with Kmail a while ago, even while
Kmail shows only one sent mail for each sent mail, the mails sometimes
were duplicated sent, resp. since I used Kmail only to sent to a mailing
list, it wasn't clear if Kmail or the list was the culprit for the
duplication. Others experienced the same. When sending private mails in
forums this sometimes happens too. Perhaps related to debouncing of
mouse keys.

For Evolution I will now use Ctrl+Return.

I would configure the MUA to deliver mail through a sendmail-like binary
(configured as smarthost to route through your smtp server), logging
every transaction. Thus, if you later find a missing massage, you could
dig up the transaction and verify it existed and your smtp accepted
responsibilty for delivering.

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