Re: [Evolution] Evolution EWS and Squid proxy

On Mon, 2014-02-17 at 18:05 +0100, Patryk Benderz wrote:
1) I know from my Exchange admins that we are connecting to Exchange
through EWS.

2) on my windows machine when I go to "Control Panel">Mail>"email
accounts">select "Exchange Server">Change>"More settings">select tab
"Connections">click button "Proxy settings...">in the field with proxy
address i see string 'rpc': "";. 

Thus, as a result of 1+2 I assumed my setup is EWS through
RPC_over_HTTP, via proxy. Is that possible?

well, my understanding of the thing is that RPC-over-HTTP [1] is for
MAPI protocol, not for EWS, because EWS uses SOAP, not RPC. I would not
be surprised if your Outlook uses MAPI in the background, not EWS [2].
Ask your admins on a connection point/address for EWS, and then try to
create an evolution-ews account in evolution with that address filled.
Do not be bothered with non-functional "Fetch URL", the server can have
disabled autodiscovery.


[2] I'm pretty sure that Outlook 2007 uses MAPI protocol exclusively,
while Outlook 2010 may have somewhere an option to switch between EWS
and MAPI, though I do not have available the Outlook 2010 version, to
guide you more precisely. On the other hand, the Outlook 2013 may use as
its primary protocol EWS.

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