Re: [Evolution] Evolution EWS and Squid proxy

On Thu, 2014-02-13 at 13:01 +0100, Patryk Benderz wrote:
what about setups with multiple email accounts, where EWS email account
needs proxy, but I have several other accounts (pop3, imap) which needs
direct internet access?

You're describing it wrong.

What you actually have is a network environment where some servers need
a proxy to access them, and other servers do not.

This kind of thing is usually handled automatically by a PAC file, which
is a JavaScript file that basically answers the question "what proxy do
I use for <this> URL?".

These PAC files (or any manual override) are a per-network-connection
thing. Often a DHCP server will hand you the location of a file. Or
you'll automatically 'discover' it by looking for http://wpad/wpad.dat
and finding it in your DNS search domain. Or a VPN server might hand you
one along with the IP configuration.

The correct answer here is for NetworkManager to handle this information
properly for the currently-connected networks, and hand it to the
PacRunner dæmon. Then processes like Evolution and *anything* else which
might need to use a proxy just send a DBus message to PacRunner, saying
"what proxy do I use for <this> URL?". And the PAC file has already been
loaded into the JavaScript interpreter and you get a nice fast answer.
(Without the idiocy of doing the discovery and loading the JS
interpreter over and over again in the context of *ever* application
that wants to check if it needs a proxy, which is what the original
libproxy library did, and is why we have evil hacks in glib to avoid it)

Matthew, if you're looking at proxy stuff, please make sure you keep the
'correct' fix in mind, and you know how we get from here to there. I
appreciate that we might want local hacks in Evolution to work around
the fact that this still isn't working right in NetworkManager — but
let's make sure that it's easy to move to the correct fix when it's
possible to do so.

So perhaps we might want Evolution's default behaviour to be to *try*
sending the PacRunner request, assuming that things are working sanely,
and to have a manual override for the cases where that doesn't work.

David Woodhouse                            Open Source Technology Centre
David Woodhouse intel com                              Intel Corporation

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