Re: [Evolution] Calendar tooltips

On February 14, 2014 9:29:41 AM GMT, Pete Biggs <pete biggs org uk> wrote:
 Also the time always has "(24 hours)" appended even if I use AM/PM
formats... Evolution 3.8.4

Errm, that's the length of the appointment, not the time format - it
just means that it is an all-day event.  Create a different length
and it will change.

Mind you, one thing I would grouch about that particular feature is
it is ALWAYS hours - I have a multi-day event that says in the tooltip:
"Time: 03/02/14 00:00:00 (1296 hours)" - without getting a calculator
out, I have no idea how many days 1296 hours is!  How about modifying
the display to say how many days if it's 24 hours or more?


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Errm...whoops! Thanks for the heads-up, I tend to have mostly all-day events. I would still like Location 
and/or Description in the tooltip though.


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