Re: [Evolution] SSL cert it is flagged as "BAD" (Was: (no subject))

On Thu, 2013-02-14 at 14:12 -0700, Matt Ivie wrote:
I went in under Edit>Preferences>Certificates>Authorities Tab and there
is nothing there at all. I can import something but I don't know what
I'd import. Is there something I'm supposed to setup to make this all
work or is there a database that needs rebuilt? I'm not sure what's
going on.

your version is supposed to use NSS system certificate database, please
see [1] for further details. If that's not working, then there might be
something missing. As it's a system database, you should see the same
authorities in your web browser's certificate viewer.

With what the certificate database is installed I do not know, this kind
of detail passes around me unnoticed.
        Hope it helps,


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