Re: [Evolution] Moving from evolution to evolution

[Damn reply not to all...]

On Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 5:19 AM, Matthew Barnes <mbarnes redhat com> wrote:
On Sun, 2012-07-01 at 12:00 +0100, Pete Biggs wrote:
It seems to me that all the people who have had problems with the
upgrade process recently have been Ubuntu users and I wonder if there is
something they've done in the packaging or configuration that is causing

I'm still a little confused as to why so many users seem to feel the
need to backup and restore their personal data just to upgrade their
operating system in place.  Backing up of course is a prudent safety
measure, but if the upgrade goes smoothly there should be no need to
restore the backup.

For my part, I just backed it up (file system copy to another folder)
to ensure nothing got lost.  I had no need to restore that.

Are there actually distro installers that don't allow you to upgrade
without nuking your home directory, or do some installers not make that
option clear enough, or am I just misunderstanding the problem?

With Ubuntu, upgrades are frequently problematic and re-installs work
better.  This is as documented by the Ubuntu folks.

There does seem to be a large concentration of Ubuntu users reporting
these kinds of problems, but that might just be a statistical anomaly
rather than something Ubuntu is doing wrong.

I don't know if it's "wrong," but it is a pain.  I've been using
Ubuntu for almost two years solid now and upgrades are invariably
reported in the discussion lists as problematic.

However, before that I was using CentOS, and upgrades were also
discouraged there, for similar reasons.

I do maintain a separate /home from my root, and that has saved me a
lot of grief, but not always.  When I installed Ubuntu 10.10 on my
laptop, then copied all my files over from my desktop, something broke
the system and I never figured out what - it was something in my
startup files that works on my desktop and doesn't on my laptop.  I
found a way around that, but it was painful for an hour or so.

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