Re: [Evolution] Connecting to Carddav Server fails

They are "properties"; properties are bound to a resource [collection or
object].  getetag is essentially a version attribute.  if has getetag XYZ and you query that a month from
now and it is XYZ then you know the resource hasn't changed and there is
no need to retrieve it.  If the value isn't what you saw last time then
it has changed and the client should download the new version.  ctag is
the same thing but for collections - an unchanged ctag means the entire
collection is the same as last time you checked.  So if the ctag matches
your cached value you are up-to-date and there is no need to check
anything else.

Okay, thanks - I think I got it generally. I will try to create some sort of test scenario to see this, but 
this is up to me.

Did you verify the URL for the OS/X server the same way?  A
CalDAV/CardDAV collection *is* a WebDAV collection so you should be able
to browse it with a generic WebDAV client.

ThatÂs what I think too: Mac OS used a Webdav collection after all, so there should be no problem. The only 
difference between the ownCloud and the Mac server is that Mac uses https (or davs, in other words). I also 
thought about a wrong/incomplete URL, so what I did is the following:

1. connected in Nautilus to the URL davs://server:8843/
2. I was prompted for the password (and I am sure to have entered the correct one).

2. I then see two folders on the Mac server:

- davs://server:8843/addressbooks
- davs://server:8843/principals

Under each of these two dirs (in which I can change in Nautilus), I see 2 more folders: "users" and "groups". 
But no matter if IÂm in "addressbooks" or "principals", I cannot change into these 2 subdirs: I get an 
"access denied" error. I guess this is a problem of the Mac server, but I wonder how other clients (I am 
connecting both via a iPhone and an Android-based phone to the carddav server) manage to connect then. Do you 
see any explanation here that may help me to find the difference between those clients and my linux system?

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