[Evolution] Connecting to Carddav Server fails

Hello list,

I am trying to connect Evolution to a carddav server, but I fail, no matter what I try.

Here is my setup:

Carddav Servers used:

- Mac Server with OS X Server 10.6
- Debian 6 with ownCloud

Evolution version used:

- 2.32.2 on Ubuntu 11.04
- 2.2.2 both on Ubuntu 11.10 and Fedora 16

URLs I used to connect to:

1. Mac Server:


-> Error I get: GDBus.Error:org.gnome.evolution.dataserver.AddressBook.OtherError: PROPFIND on webdav failed 
with HTTP status 7 (Connection terminated unexpectedly)

2. ownCloud:


-> Password is asked, but no contacts are found (although there are at least 15 contacts)


-> No password is asked and no contacts are found

Can please anybody help me to get this work? I would really like to use evolution to connect to my carddav 

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