Re: [Evolution] Connecting to Carddav Server fails


first: thanks for your reply.

HTTP/1.1 207 Unknown
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<d:multistatus xmlns:d="DAV:" xmlns:s=""; 
    <d:status>HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found</d:status>

Since collections don't have getetag properties this makes sense (they
have ctags, if you are luckly).

IÂm sorry to ask (and I will certainly look in the net for it), but could you explain what "getetags" and 
"ctags" are? I am quite new to this, so it would be kind if you could help me on this.

Yuck, that sucks.  Those collections should be able to provide ctags.

I will understand this if I know what "ctags" are :)
PROPFIND /apps/contacts/carddav.php/addressbooks/user/ HTTP/1.1

AH - be careful: I provided 2 different URLS in my last mail ; this was the second one. I created an own 
addressbook for each of those links.
Cool, now it is looking somewhere that sounds interesting.  But
apparently this URL just contains additional collections?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><propfind

Looking for etags on collections again, it won't find any.
And it didn't.

.... Are you sure you actually have it configured to look at a
collection of contacts?  In Nautilus in what collection [URL] do you
actually see VCF/vCard objects?

I checked the URL in Nautilus again and noticed that there is a subdir, so the full URL that works correctly 


So far, so good: The connectivity to the ownCloud server now works - thanks a lot.

What IÂd like to do now is to make Evolution connect to my Mac OS X Server. Can you please help me on this? I 
did already send the output of the debug in my last mail, so I just donÂt send it again if you donÂt ask me 
to :)

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