Re: [Evolution] SMTP Question

 BUT, I'm not saying that I won't be 'authenticating' if that makes
sense. What I meant was I have an smtp provider that needs me to
'connect' with my user id/password to send mail - ok - so now I have
connected, can I send mail with a 'from' of a different domain?

THAT depends on the ISP.  I know some that require the From: address to
be one of their domains, I also know others that don't care.  I've also
seen some that silently change the From: address to match the account
that is authenticating. 

 Take my  free yahoo account as the example. Can I use Evo and set my
NON yahoo accounts to use the yahoo smtp access to send my mail for
those as well?

I don't know about Yahoo - I can only suggest you try it and see.

 Or are you saying that for each 'mail' account I should (must?) use a
separate SMTP connection? 

No, not at all - but the usefulness of it depends on the server.


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