Re: [Evolution] New makefile for building Evolution from GIT

On Wed, 2009-10-21 at 14:37 -0400, Reid Thompson wrote:
<how to set up an LDAP request to an Exchange server>

search base OU=<Corp> Users,DC=<Corp>,DC=com
search scope   Sub
search filter  (objectclass=person)

Thanks, this was REALLY helpful.  I had to use "CN=Users, DC=<mycorp>,
DC=com" for the base.  I also changed the scope to be "one" because it
seems faster and doesn't make any difference in the results as far as I
can tell.

I installed ldap-utils and did a lot of poking around using ldapsearch
from the CLI, and when I do that it gives me back what I want.  But,
when I run a query for, for example, "smith" in Evo's contacts it gives
me back all the users PLUS a bunch of mailing lists that happen to have
"smith" in them, etc.  I can't figure out where it's finding these extra

Additionally, every time I run a search, even though I do get results
that are displayed, I also get back an error dialog:

"The backend for this address book was unable to parse this query"

which is pretty annoying.

And finally it often takes a REALLY long time (like minutes) to return
anything, even though ldapsearch from the CLI invariably finished in
fractions of a second.

I have my normal full debugging being generated (E2K_DEBUG=5,
CAMEL_DEBUG=all) but I don't see anything in the logs about what LDAP 
queries are being run.  Is there any debugging I can enable for the LDAP
backend that would show the query being sent to the server, so I could
try to understand what has happening?


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