Re: [Evolution] Attachment Icons Missing depending upon Theme Chosen

Anyway, as we are close to Evolution 2.0 there won't be any 1.4.x
updates, unless they are security relevant.

I tried updating to 1.5 as Not Zed suggested but failed miserably, I was
trying to use Nyquist Rpms.

Failed installing?

Lots of dependency issues which didn't want to resolve itself

Sometimes everybody wishes for a sledge hammer... ;-)

FWIW: Keep in mind, that running 1.5.x for the first time will import
your data and save it in a different directory. That means, you should
remove the 1.5.x/2.0.x directory when continuing to use 1.4.x -- before
upgrading to versions >= 1.5.

Don't really understand what you mean. 
If I run 1.5, it will import the settings and data to another directory.

Right. Evolution 1.4.x uses ~/evolution directory to store its data,
whereas versions >= 1.5.x use the hidden ~/.evolution directory. You may
safely delete (or backup) the other directory, if you do not plan to use
that version any longer.

As 1.4.x and 1.5.x do use distinct directories, this effectively means,
they do not share this data. Any changes to that local data (retrieving
Mail, changing Contacts, etc.) will *not* be visible with the other
version. You can not switch back and forth those versions. (Unless you
really do know what you are doing and decide to live on the dangerous
side. ;-)

If say, I run it once or twice, and still see the same problems, and I
revert to 1.4x again, use it say.. for a couple of weeks and then go
back to 1.5x, everything which changed within the past few weeks will
not reflect in 1.5x? Correct?

Right. Again, be aware that even running 1.5.x may retrieve mails from a
POP3 account (if set to periodically), which then will not be visible
when running 1.4.x again.

If you run 1.5.x without altering any data, you can still use 1.4.x --
just have the following in mind:

* When running 2.0 once it is released, it likely will not import your
  1.4.x data again, as this is already done. There is a CLI switch
  to force this in current devel versions.

* Running 1.5.x will not only migrate the data in your ~/evolution dir,
  it will alter some configurations (stored using GConf) as well. This
  will cause your autocompletion and default mail folders to be reset
  (custom changes will stop working in 1.4.x) and your signatures aren't
  visible. You can easily reset them.

 Otherwise any changed data will not be
imported again. Just a warning though, if you ever managed to run 1.5 at
least once.

So.. I need to remove the whole 1.5x directory and get it to re-import?
What about my local mails in ~/evolution?

IIRC nothing will be removed ATM, although I am not sure, as I haven't
migrated data for a long time now. ;)  Backups may come in handy.

Currently trying to get Evo 1.5.93 running via jhbuild.

Although Evolution 1.5.9x are still development versions, they are very
stable for me. I do run devel versions for a long time already. :)

I do not recommend to run Evolution 1.5.x, until you are sure you want
to upgrade and stay there -- simply due to migration issues mentioned

I *do* recommend installing 1.5.93, running it on a test account -- and
switching the main account, if it satisfies you. It definitely is worth

Evolution 1.5.9x is a great and stable piece of software and probably
the best mailer out there. :-)


char *t="\10pse\0r\0dtu\0  ghno\x4e\xc8\x79\xf4\xab\x51\x8a\x10\xf4\xf4\xc4";
main(){ char h,m=h=*t++,*x=t+2*h,c,i,l=*x,s=0; for (i=0;i<l;i++){ i%8? c<<=1:
(c=*++x); c&128 && (s+=h); if (!(h>>=1)||!t[s+h]){ putchar(t[s]);h=m;s=0; }}}

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