Re: [Evolution] New mail view


On Mon, 2004-04-19 at 10:25 +0800, Not Zed wrote:
vFolders only use memory proportional to how many total messages you
have in the query set, and in the query result set, and they use less
memory than real folders per message, so they don't consume 'loads of
memory' in a relative sense.

OK, I was wrong. It's the kernel being totally broken :) trying to
free-up more memory to get more filesystem cache while evolution tries
to update vfolders and the startup process is the main performance
bottleneck of vfolder feature IMHO.

I would love if, as I said in the several times on IRC, Evolution had
the ability of incrementally updating vfolders at startup after a
complete shutdown.

You know, `make` won't try to rebuild a file unless it was changed. It's
the same thing, Evolution won't try to scan a folder tree to get a
vfolder up-to-date, unless it was changed somehow. I don't know if this
is something possible, but it would vastly gear it up.

Anyway, I can live without vfolders.

Keep up the good work,
|          |
|          |  Enver ALTIN (a.k.a. skyblue)
|          |  Software developer, IT consultant
|    FRONT |
|==========|  FrontSITE Bilgi Teknolojisi A.Ş.

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