Re: [Evolution] Evo 1.4.3: fonts for menus, folders etc.

Yes, that would be great - but when I do so, the entire KDE desktop is
gone (except the kicker) and replaced by a dark-blue background without
any icons on - I suppose this is a part of the Gnome2 desktop. No
chance: as soon as I start that gnome-settings-daemon my KDE desktop is
gone, and the only way to regain it I found out so far is to log out and
in again.
I had the same problem.  Here is how you fix it.
Install (as root) and run (as yourself) gconf-editor.  Go to
desktop->gnome->background and turn off the option to "draw_background".

Thanx - found an un-checked.

Then go to apps->nautilus->preferences and unset "show_desktop".

No such setting.

Does this also fix the problem with fonts being completely messed up?
There was no point on this (as I wrote in another posting: any app
started after the gnome-settings-daemon, regardless of KDE app or Gnome
app, has the fonts completely "replaced" by a single dot per line).

Now all I need to figure out is how to stop gnome from hijacking my
mouse movement settings.........

Humm - my mouse was not affected by weird behaviour...


Itzchak Rehberg
"We have joy, we have fun, we boot Linux on our SUN..."

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