Re: [Evolution] Spam Filter -- I need volunteers

On Fri, 2003-01-17 at 13:07, Ian Watkinson wrote:
- mail checked with spamassassin (spamc)

This is through fetchmail? or piping to spamc in the filter?

The latter.

If so, care to elaborate for a newbie on exactly how this is done.

Install spammc


I'm running debian, so the above pretty much consisted of typing the
command "apt-get install spamassassin".

Set up filter x y z in Evo.

Write a filter rule along the lines:
  - IF pipe through "spamc -c" returns 1
    AND pipe through "bogofilter -s" returns 0 THEN
       - move to Spam folder, stop processing

The bogofilter rule is not mandatory, of course, but this is a handy way
to automatically train bogofilter (at least in the beginning, when
bogofilter itself doesn't know spam from tinned pork).



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