Re: [Evolution] Spam Filter -- I need volunteers

On Thu, 2003-01-16 at 14:07, Marco Tabini wrote:
On Thu, 2003-01-16 at 13:46, Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder wrote:
[no cc:s please, I read the list]

Fair enough. Sorry about that.

I am really happy that I learned how to create a "Reply to List" toolbar
button by following this list.

And exactly what happens if *you* happen to disagree with spamassassin?

I tweak the rules. It's occasionally necessary, but by now bogofilter
works very well so I give it more and more weight. I'd say there's <1%
false negatives and <.1% false positives (and those are mostly from
discussions about spam, sometimes containing parts of actual spam
messages - so I can understand that the system gets confused).

My point is, wouldn't it be better if the system were able to learn to
tweak its own rules, particularly if you could train it to do so
directly from within Evo, rather than by having to change the rules
manually? I'm not interested in creating "the Spamassassin killer"
(pardon the pun)--I'd rather learn from it--but perhaps there is a more
convenient solution.

I think you are really onto something with this convenience thing, but
not sure I understand why you aren't sharing the source, especially
since -- from my understanding -- it is an add it to an open source
MUA.  Seems a bit incongruous.  Besides the knowledgeable users who
could help contribute useful suggestions, there are a number of
development team members on the list who could provide help with
Evolution's hooks and APIs.  Its your perogative, though.
Arthur S. Alexion <arthur alexion com>
Arthur S. Alexion LLC

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