Re: [Evolution] Spam Filter -- I need volunteers

On Thu, 2003-01-16 at 12:44, Marco Tabini wrote:

And exactly what happens if *you* happen to disagree with spamassassin?

You make fine adjustments using either the global configuration file or
the individual user_prefs file.  In addition to adjusting the weighting
of the scoring, it also supports brute force blacklists and whitelists. 
There is a feature for auto-white and auto-blacklisting based on your
deletions (though I don't use it).

For the first month, I kept the user_prefs file open in an editor on the
same desktop, and fine tuned the lists.  It seems to be batting a
combined 95%, with only about 2% false positives (easy to whitelist),
and 5% false negatives.
Arthur S. Alexion <arthur alexion com>
Arthur S. Alexion LLC

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