Re: [Evolution] Drag and Drop when creating mailing list

tor, 2002-11-07 kl. 11:06 skrev Chris Toshok:

It's not like creating them and maintaining them with a different tool
will help with evolution.  You might very well find that your chose
schema isn't easily convertible to the one evolution ends up using (when
it eventually starts doing distribution lists over ldap).  BTW, what
sort of template/objectclasses are you using for them?

I don't make schemas, I don't use attributes, I just make a group put
people into it and tell Evo 1.0.8 and thus Exim 4.10-8 to mail it.

Actually, that's not quite right. F.ex. my members group looks like
(remember that this is Openldap 2.1.8 and that I configure my own Exim
for LDAP lookups):

dn: cn=localmailgroup,ou=people,ou=groups,dc=billy,dc=demon,dc=nl
objectClass: top
objectClass: nisMailAlias
structuralObjectClass: nisMailAlias
cn: members billy demon nl
rfc822MailMember: pete demon nl
rfc822MailMember: paul demon nl
rfc822MailMember: fred landis nl
rfc822MailMember: evy
rfc822MailMember: tonye
rfc822MailMember: torgeir

-- etc.

Those without qualified mail addresses are fictive local users, LDAP
Posix accounts or /etc/passwd. And is bankrupt and dead long
ago, and the users don't exist, so don't spam.

Show me an email client that actually does contact lists over ldap (not
active directory) and I'll be happy to interoperate with them.  Show me
a schema that doesn't get the LDAP extremists up in arms and that
doesn't (like groupOfNames) require me to fire of N individual queries
for a list with N entries, and I'll consider using it.

Not groups, just people - like Mozilla 1.2. Groups you do with the
actual Unix MTA (smtp server).

Until you can show me either of these things, or until I can come up
with examples of my own, or until someone orders me to just get this
done regardless of the ramifications of creationg another crappy schema
ala evolutionPerson, this will remain on the back burner as far as I'm

I don't *need* you Chris, or any other Hungry people, for that matter -
I provide my own solutions. But others obviously do need you.

So yes, I am working on this.

Well good for you, fellow.




Tony Earnshaw

So mangt eit ord kunde vori usagt.

e-post:         tonni billy demon nl

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