[Evolution] Cursor motion in reverse-sorted folders (was Reading threads)

On Sat, 2002-02-23 at 14:18, Jeffrey Stedfast wrote:
It's for selecting the Next or Previously unread message which is what
it sounds like you wanted to do, right?

Previous being in the "up" direction and Next being in the "down"


On Sat, 2002-02-23 at 07:57, Kenneth Porter wrote:
On Fri, 2002-02-22 at 10:49, Jeffrey Stedfast wrote:
Then use 'p' instead of 'n' ;-)

On Fri, 2002-02-22 at 08:50, Kenneth Porter wrote:
On a related note, I normally sort upwards so newest messages are at the
top. when I move a message I've just read to a more-appropriate folder,
I'd like the selection to move to the next message in sort order, ie.
upwards, not downwards.
Uh, 'p' and 'n' are for moving messages now? ;-)
No, sorry, I'm describing the situation where I'm *removing* a message
from the folder, either by moving, filtering, or deleting, and the sort
order for the folder is reversed (bottom to top). For instance, I'm
reading my Inbox, oldest to newest (ie. bottom to top), and I file a
message from an old friend in my "Friends" folder. When the message
moves, the cursor should move up, not down, to the next unread message.

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