Re: [Evolution] Re: [Users] .... NOW spell chicking for SuSE

On Wed, 2002-02-06 at 01:10, Jim George wrote:
I have SuSE7.1 and have no spell-check functionality at all. :(

I have tried installing aspell, pspell, and gnome-spell but aspell has a
dependency on which I can't seem to find any where (for my

Can anyone give me a definitive (I know it sounds like I want it on a
plate bu tI've chased this one round for so long now) answer as to how I
get spell-checking working under evolution?



This methods works for SuSE 7.2 and 7.3.

If you are using SuSE try the following IN THE SEQUENCE LISTED:
1. using red carpet, rpm or whatever load pspell0.12.2-ximian.4 (not a
newer version)
2. ftp the aspell and gnomespell rpm's from Ximian.
3. use Yast1 to install aspell and gnomespell (rpm --force might work,
but I know that Yast definitely does and ignores the dependency)
4. using gnome control centre -> html viewer -> miscellaneous ensure
that spell checking is enabled and that you have selected the language
"en", not en-gb or en-ca.

This should work, but only if you do it in sequence and possibly offer a
sacrifice to the deity of your choice.

Ralph Sanford       -       If your government does not trust you,
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