[Evolution] Can Evolution send attachments that are not displayed in the sent-folder?


I just received a warning of a mailing-list robot, that a message I sent
might be infected with a virus. I'm using Evolution 1.0.8 on a RH7.3.

The message did not (to my knowledge) contain ANY attachment (it wasn't
signed either).

Below is the warning I received followed by the full source of the
message I sent as I found it in my sent folder

-----Forwarded Message-----

From: Daniel B. <daniel LionsDen yi org>
To: Mertens Bram <bram-mertens linux be>
Subject: Possible virus deleted
Date: 14 Aug 2002 16:50:15 -0600

To: everybuddy-admin lists spine cx
Subject: Re: [Everybuddy] Re: msn status incorrect
References:  <200208141501 g7EF1IG10689 spine cx> 
        <3670000 1029347556 linux wgc org> <1029364403 32401 8 camel localhost localdomain>
In-Reply-To: <1029364403 32401 8 camel localhost localdomain>

This is an auto-generated message

The email referenced above, which was sent from your address, 
had a virus-vulnerable attachement (such as .EXE, .VBS, .PIF, etc).

This mail server no longer accepts mail with virus-vulnerable 
attachments and the email has been quarantined.
Please try resending your attachment in a safe format such as ZIP. 
Contact support danielnm hn org if you have any questions

=== included message ===
Subject: Re: [Everybuddy] Re: msn status incorrect
From: Mertens Bram <bram-mertens linux be>
To: everybuddy list <everybuddy lists spine cx>
In-Reply-To: <3670000 1029347556 linux wgc org>
References:  <200208141501 g7EF1IG10689 spine cx> 
        <3670000 1029347556 linux wgc org>
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Mailer: Ximian Evolution 1.0.8 
Date: 15 Aug 2002 00:33:14 +0200
Message-Id: <1029364403 32401 8 camel localhost localdomain>
Mime-Version: 1.0
X-Evolution-Transport: smtp://awou0006 smtp wanadoo be
X-Evolution-Account: bram-mertens linux be
X-Evolution-Fcc: file:///home/M8ram/evolution/local/Sent
X-Evolution-Format: text/plain


The contacts is added to my contacts list

        <ACCOUNT MSN>
                NAME="Ann_De_Smet somewhere com"

the address isn't @somewhere off course, but it isn't @hotmail or @msn
either, but then again, so is my address and my contacts can see me

Those addresses aren't case-sensitive right?

When all the addresses get compared to each other at startup, they're
all lower-case...

Any other suggestions?

BTW Isn't there a way to check a contact's account without opening the
contacts file? I can only edit the name, the default protocol and the
group a contact belongs to.  but when a contact changes e-mail address
or ICQ account or whatever, there appears to be no other way than to
remove the old entry and replace it by a new one. Am I missing


On Wed, 2002-08-14 at 19:52, Adam Wolfe Gordon wrote:
Make sure that the person is on your contact list.  If an unknown user 
sends you a message, EB won't see them as online until they are added to 
your contact list.  I don't know why this is, and it probably should be 
fixed, but I've found it to be true.

 #            Mertens Bram "M8ram"  <bram-mertens linux be>            #
 #     Registered [Red Hat] Linux User # 249103 since Octobre 2000     #
 #   http://linux.be | http://www.redhat.com | http://counter.li.org   #
 #  Red Hat Linux 7.3  KDE 3.0.0-10  kernel 2.4.18-3  i686  128MB RAM  #
=== included message ===

 #            Mertens Bram "M8ram"  <bram-mertens linux be>            #
 #     Registered [Red Hat] Linux User # 249103 since Octobre 2000     #
 #   http://linux.be | http://www.redhat.com | http://counter.li.org   #
 #  Red Hat Linux 7.3  KDE 3.0.0-10  kernel 2.4.18-3  i686  128MB RAM  #

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