Re: [Evolution] Can't trust Evolution to send big attachments...

Will all of you folks who chimed in on this go take a look at bug 6024
- it describes the same problem.

Of particular interest would be what kernel version you're running and
if any of you are running something other than linux (i.e. solaris,
On Fri, Nov 02, 2001 at 10:44:04AM +0000, Ian Stuart wrote:
On Fri, 2001-11-02 at 09:47, Rebecca J. Walter wrote:
I don't think that would be it in this case, because the file name on
the file she received was not the same as what I sent.  Although I
didn't go out to her place and check it.  My husband then sent the same
file to her with Netscape and she received it without a problem.  I
think she uses Netscape in Windows, but I'm not sure.  It is definitely
a problem caused by Evo in some way, it is just a question of HOW evo is
doing this.  But I'm not smart enough to figure that out. :-)
Can I just check that when you and your husband sent the file, you were
using the same internet connection (same ISP/work-place/whatever)

If you were using different email servers, then there is a possibility
that you hit a limit for out-bound mail - as set by your mail-server
(and not Evolution)

This does not imply that I know there is no problem with evolution, I'm
just trying to think of other options too :)

Ian Stuart: Edinburgh University Data Library.
I build things: computer programs (with code); or cars (with metal)

 Personal web site: 

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