Re: [Evolution-hackers] Initialization sequence

On Wed, 2003-10-08 at 15:09, Anna Marie Dirks wrote:
> My preference is to only have one calendar and one addressbook by
> default. ("Calendar" and "Contacts", or some such.)

I think at least iCal sets up a couple default calendars...  It might be
nice, so the first time Evolution is run the user is aware that she can
use multiple calendars, and encouraged to do so.

(I don't know what the default iCal calendars are...  We should check.)

> It seems to me that there is no reason to make Evo more complicated than
> it needs to be. We don't ask the user which mail folders she wants to
> create when she starts Evo -- why should we assume that users want a
> different degree of control over their calendars, or contacts?

Indeed, I think it should just migrate the calendars, no questions

Maybe if we set up e.g. default calendars like "Work", "Home" and so on,
we could add a simple "Calendar" one for migrating the old Evolution
calendar to, but only if there are items to migrate.

I.e. if the user has no existing calendar items, she would get "Work"
and "Home", but if she does she would get "Calendar", "Work" and "Home"
and "Calendar" would have the old items.  Also we should create a
calendar for each of the extra calendar folders that the user had in

Ettore Perazzoli <ettore ximian com>

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