Re: [evince] the menu bar is gone


I agree with Ernest, personnally this new presentation of the buttons and the top menus missing is a big regression in term of user experience and interface.

Of course it matches the Gnome guidelines and is well adapted to Gnome Shell desktop.

But Gnome is not the only one where Evince is frequently used, there is also Ubuntu.

Anyway, you like or not this OS, but Ubuntu is one of the major Linux distributions and has a large market share among them.

And this presentation is in complete discordance with the whole Unity desktop organization.

- No more menus at the top : no global menu and no Hud available in Unity -

- The buttons which group all the commands are on the top right, but on Unity all the important things and the buttons to close / maximize windows are on the left, so no more uniform behavior with all the applications...

Theme (dark color of the bars) has been updated to conform to Ambiance default in Ubuntu, but the problem of these buttons remain. It is the same as Nautilus. I don't know if in the future all Gnome applications will have the same UI (it is also like browser Chrome), but this is not nice for the users. Essentially for this reason I moved to Okular for the moment.

Of course, we know Ubuntu and Gnome will become more and more different and there will be less Gnome default programs in the future on Ubuntu with Unity, QT and Mir integration, and of course you are all volunteers, developping a very great opensource software, so this is absolutely not a criticism nor a feature request, but just an observation from an Ubuntu user who has now difficulties to use Evince daily.

Best regards,

Xavier Guillot

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