Re: [evince] the menu bar is gone

El 02/10/13 02:46, Ernest Adrogué escribió:
Hi there,

I'm using Evince 3.8.3 from Debian "Testing" and it looks like the menu bar
has vanished from this version.  Now the menus are accessed by clicking on 3
labelless buttons in the tool bar.  Is there a setting somewhere to get the
menu bar back?  I've read an article about a certain Gnome Tweak tool that
allows you to put "AppMenus back in applications windows", but I'm not sure
if this is it because I don't even have Gnome installed.

Hi Ernest,

The AppMenu mentioned is not the old style menu bar.  The AppMenu is an
application drop-down menu on the top GNOME Shell bar. This menu is for
actions that affect the entire application, not for specific windows of
the application. I think that the AppMenu (one with the Help option) is
shown in your Evince bar because you are not using GNOME.

Quite possible the menu buttons you have are:
1) AppMenu
2) View Options
3) Document Options

apart from the Search button

AFAIK, there is no plan to modificate the toolbar. There is a related
open bug about this (#692969), but this depends of the resources
avalaible (Evince devs are volunteers) and if the the maintainer finds
an acceptable design for this.


    -- Juanjo Marin

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