Re: [evince] the menu bar is gone

On Mi, 2013-10-02 at 16:34 +0200, Ernest Adrogué wrote:

Hi Ernest,

I'm also on Debian "testing" and just moved to the new UI.

I see. I have no AppMenu at all. I have a search button, a spanner button
and a sun button. The last two buttons activate menus like the ones that
there used to be on the menu bar. The help option is nowhere to be seen.

On my Desktop (Gnome 3), the help option is available when clicking on
the active Application Icon in the top panel. I must agree, that this is
not really intuitive and I found it accidentally when searching for the
file menu.

AFAIK, there is no plan to modificate the toolbar. There is a related
open bug about this (#692969), but this depends of the resources
avalaible (Evince devs are volunteers) and if the the maintainer finds
an acceptable design for this.

Actually I like how the UI does look like, just one minor thing from a
users transition point of view. The hardest part was to realize, that
the file menu is now on the right. As far as I'm using applications this
is the only UI which made this choice, and it is hard for me to get used
to the menu on the right (in combination with the fact, that the most
used gnome corner is on the top right). I'm not sure if the solution for
bug #692969 may allow one to move this button to the left, but this
would be awesome (at least for me :-)


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