Re: [evince] the menu bar is gone

On Tue, 2013-10-08 at 00:51 +0200, Ernest Adrogué wrote:
6-10-2013, 21:39 (+0100); Juanjo Marín escriu:
The main purpose of this redesign is coherence with the GNOME desktop.

That's what I supposed. Speaking as a user, I just can't see why anyone
would want to remove the menus from the menu bar and put them in the tool
bar.  From my point of view this change contributes nothing, and makes the
interface considerably worse.  Now the keyboard shortcuts for openning menus
don't work and things are harder to find because of the lack of text and
organisation.  Everything has been crammed into just two unlabelled
menus. Again, just my opinion as a user..

You get more space for the document and less for the application.

The menu bookmarks was redundant and easier to access from the side pane

There are 2 button menus in the toolbar.  General (gear icon) and
Document (wrench icon).

The Document is a merge of the previous Edit and View, with the removal
of Copy/Paste/Select were removed (still available via shortcuts and
contextual menu).

You can get access to the toolbar using Ctrl-Tab/Ctrl-Shift-Tab.  Also,
using F10 you get access to the Gear menu. With F1 you open the help
that explains how to use Evince.

The accelerator (shortcuts) for all operations are still there.  Not
having a shortcut for the wrench menu is a limitation that should be
addressed sooner than later.

The unlabeled buttons (lack of tooltips) in the toolbar correspond to a
a bug:

Don't forget the project is run exclusively by volunteers in their spare
time. Although some bugs looks straightforward to apply still might take
some time.

Certainly, more man power is always welcomed.

Germán Poo-Caamaño

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