Re: Should Epiphany browser be renamed because of conflict w/ game name?


Am Samstag, den 21.10.2006, 07:52 +0300 schrieb Ari Torhamo:

> ...or if you are an inexperienced user, you go to Applications ->
> Internet, but don't find Epiphany there. You think: "Something went
> wrong with the installation and that could be anything. I'll better give
> up - I wouldn't even know where to start to search for the error. I
> might just mess up the computer."

Or you search for it or ask somebody. The people are maybe
inexperienced, but not stupid. 

In Debian it's the default GNOME-Browser and when (Ubuntu-)Users are at
the point to install some new software (especially a universe package),
they should be able to solve this or find somebody who helps... Look
e.g. at the Ubuntu-Forums how inexperienced users got help.

This discussion go to nowhere for nothing. The cute game didn't hurts
anybody and the discussion has some smack like from trademark lawyers
("For our product we must protect our brand").



Keywan Najafi Tonekaboni

people world:/# apt-get --purge remove dominion
After unpacking world will be freed.
You are about to do something potentially beneficial
To continue type in the phrase 'Yes, do as We say!'

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