[Epiphany] L10N issues (was Re: 1.0 plans)

tis 2003-05-06 klockan 22.46 skrev Christian Rose:
> Another issue from the l10n perspective is the untranslated messages
> from Mozilla that is displayed in dialogs. It's happening in Galeon at
> least, and I assume this is no different in Epiphany, as this is to my
> understanding a gtkmozembed issue. This is also an important issue, but
> probably not as important as it "only" affects users of languages where
> the Mozilla translations is lacking (which on the other hand is quite a
> few), and since the fix is largely needed in Mozilla code, so that
> embedders can provide their own translations or formulations of
> messages.

Another problem would probably be that in
http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=112619. I doubt many
translators do calculate a conversion for these numbers. This is
typically something that should be done in code instead, especially
since the information whether to use metric or imperial units is
available in the locale info[1].

In any case, the default should probably be metric, since there's no
doubt that it's more widely used but also what the C locale specifies to
use (No translation == C locale == metric).



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