Re: About a list for India

Jeff Waugh menulis:
Hi there,

This is really great, thank you!

One of the things we need to resolve here is how we can work with existing
Indian groups, and whether it makes sense to have a general "GNOME India"
marketing team, or groups per province or even language... There is so much
interest in GNOME from India at the moment, we're at risk of having too many
groups! :-)

On one hand we have, and the associated language-oriented user
groups. On the other hand, I have heard that some of the Novell GNOME guys
in Bangalore are starting up a user group there. I don't think there's a lot
of duplication-of-effort between those, but it's something to think about.

It's normal within a country to have:-
- several Linux Group (LUG)
- several OpenSource Group
- several BSD group
- l10n/i18n group (but base on language and per project.)

sometimes, this group is per language,
and  getting narrower as per state, per city, per university

Do you think that a gnome-in-list, for India-wide GNOME marketing discussion
would make things easier? Would it be useful to have that list for groups in
each province (or per-language) to come together and share resources? Should
we get in touch with the other groups and see what they think? How can we
involve these other groups?

Marketing + Advocacy relate closely with love.
I dont think it's easy to ask people to join 'gnome country_name marketing project' to advocate & market gnome in a particular country.

i think we should drop "marketing" word on that group name to attract people.

what if, we just link gnome<>country, also link gnome<>language and just create groups.

it will be (per country) :-
"GNOME Malaysia" or "Malaysian GNOME Group"
"GNOME India" or "Indian GNOME group"
"GNOME France"
"GNOME Australia"

AND ...
"GNOME Malay"
"GNOME Germans"
"GNOME Hindi"
"GNOME espanyol"
for language that used only in single country, we dont need per language group for it.

we do marketing in that groups.

It's just like LUG, but replace Linux with GNOME.
We just do marketing

I know a lot of people asking about gnome in local LUG  mailing list.
instead of usingLUG, it would be better if they ask GNOME question, share GNOME experience in GUG (GNOME user group). from this, we can generate love upon GNOME and willing to do marketing for it.
just link up these group with our main marketing group or the foundation.

if we want to avoid conflict with l10n Team, just suggest the translation team to have their user mailing list as our per language marketing tool.

Lots of things to consider - what do you think?


- Jeff

Hasbullah Bin Pit (sebol)

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