Re: [Ekiga-list] GNOME3/2 controversy

Hi guys/gals, another voice from the sideline:

First off, I appreciate active developers for thinking about GNOME, UI design, GTK compatibilities, etc, etc. 
I/we, users, benefited from YOU a bunch. *Thank you!*

For GNOME3, I have unfavorable first impression. Tweaking debian 7.0 for a few hours, I couldn't find a 
couple of setting dialogs that existed before, even hit some abnormal exits and freezes. I'm not sure GNOME's 
the culprit or something else is, but I'll stay debian 5 at least for now until deb 7 stabilizes, or GNOME 
2.4 until 3.x stabilizes.

Since I've been comfortable with ekiga 2.4 UI design, ekiga 4.0.1 on GNOME3 somewhat confuses me. I'll expect 
some learning curve, though.


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