Re: [Ekiga-list] Ekiga 3.0.x issues

Damien Sandras schrieb:
> Le mercredi 21 janvier 2009 à 00:54 +0100, Wolfgang Rosenauer a écrit :
>> yannick schrieb:
>>> Le mardi 20 janvier 2009 à 22:57 +0100, Wolfgang Rosenauer a écrit :
>>>> hum? Probably I misunderstand but how would auto-completion help me in
>>>> that case?
>>>> Basically I have two connection types:
>>>> -> some_sip_address somedomain com
>>>> UnitedInternet -> any phone number
>>> When entering the "any phone number" you can use the arrow keys to
>>> select the UnitedInternet provider for it.
>> ok, thanks for the hint. But probably I'm still missing a point. How do
>> I make sure that some_sip_address somedomain com gets called through
>> That still seems to be undefined to me.
> It's impossible to achieve. It will go through

Ahh, now it's getting clearer. Sorry, I was under the impression that my
SIP calls gets routed to "my" SIP provider and the both SIP providers
are talking to each other.

I've thought that be cause the Asterisk I connect to shows the following
information about my connection:

wrosenauer 	Wolfgang Rosenauer Channel: SIP/

So my address is transmitted in the call. Even if that is not
that important I'm wondering how Ekiga knows which address information
to send in that case?


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