Re: Maintaining / Helping out on Dia

On Wed, Dec 5, 2018 at 7:36 PM Andrey Repin via dia-list <dia-list gnome org> wrote:
Greetings, Alejandro Imass!

> No reason at all. Just thought that since the effort is relatively big to
> modernize DIA to GTK 3 it would be worthwhile to at least discuss it.
> Moreover, I think a future Web-based interface to DIA (even if not the
> primary/native one) will be important for the long-term survival of DIA from a product standpoint.

This raises a completely different point, actually.
Dia as a [base for] an application server.

And I can see it working quite well, given Dia's limited set of basic actions.

Right now DIA has the ability to create information from a diagram. Imagine the opposite: take information and make a diagram and/or animate a diagram. 

Some time ago I built a POC using SVG to demonstrate how easy it was to build SCADA type screens by animating SVG produced from Inkscape. It was just a POC and not too practical but proved a point of how JS was already (back in 2012 or so) to manipulate SVG on the Web.

Imagine DIA for making IoT dashboards, SCADA screens, etc. whether it's an output format that can be easily manipulated (e.g. SVG) or maybe through an engine/API. In other words, change a property of an object and see how the drawing changes. Example: a tank object has a level property from 0 to 100 that animates the liquid level. 

Anyway, I think we can all agree that DIA is much more than a drawing tool. The concept that the templates can produce structured objects with named properties is probably the most important aspect of this software. We use it extensively for UML to SQL DDL but I can think of so many other applications....


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