Re: Hello Everyone

Hello Zander,

wellcome on the Dia mailing list!

I am very happy to see you offering your help and am very much looking
forward to welding and patching the bitrot off Dia with you and anybody
else here willing to help!

Good times :-)!

Am 04.12.18 um 23:24 schrieb Alexander Brown:

I've been interested in seeing Dia move forward for sometime now and
I'm glad others are as well

I don't want to step on anyone's toes but as the current maintainers
are unaccounted for I'm volunteering as acting-maintainer (I have
commit access). I've already reached out to Thomas directly asking them
to submit some of their patches as MRs to

Whilst I am a member of the GNOME Foundation and would like to see Dia
modernised I recognise the fact Dia is very much a cross platform
application and therefore has a sort of 'special status' within the
GNOME Project and have no intention of breaking KDE/macOS/Windows

That said I would like to see Dia move to modern APIs like Cairo & Gtk3
(or 4) and ideally be built with meson to allow for easier development
and ensure we are not dropped by distributions

(I'm new to mailing lists so constructive feedback is welcome)

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