Re: Dia in swedish

Hi Manu,

thanks for getting involved with the Dia translations!

On 05/08/2012 09:36 PM, manuk7 wrote:
However i got a question: i'd like to check my translation in Dia before to send it. So i compiled Dia, installed it locally (in my home), but when running it with ./app/ , Dia isn't localised (everything is in english). Same thing when passing before LANG=fr_FR.UTF8. Did i do something wrong ? or how may i check my translations ?

The easiest way to do that would be a "make install". Be careful because you might mess up your
existing stable dia installation.
If you don't mind, "make uninstall" and a reinstallation of the original package will bring you back to where you started. Alternatively, you could only copy the binary translation file over the existing installation (if you have a localized one, which I doubt, because you see Dia in English - configuration prefixes may add some complexity here, but I'm not sure). Do other software packages (or even better: an existing Dia installation) on your system use the French locale?

In case you're able to run a VM in VMWare Workstation 8 format, you could try the one from

There you'll be able to run "make install" without messing anything up (besides the VM).



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