Re: Bug 455400

Hi Thomas. I have hit a small problem. When I applied the patch ("patch -p0 < diff-doc-en.diff"), I think it was supposed to create a file called dia-cmdline.xml. However, it did not create this file. So now I get an error when I run the xsltproc command on my system. It appears to have modified the other xml files correctly, but did not create the dia-cmdline.xml file. Any ideas as to what I need to do? Thanks. Mark

On 7/31/07, Thomas Harding <thomas harding laposte net> wrote:
On Tue, Jul 31, 2007 at 06:32:52AM -0700, Mark Dexter wrote:
> Is it OK for me to go ahead and do this? Should I create separate bugzilla
> tickets for each of these or can I include them in bug #455400?

I think the better is to input the less possible bugs, and merge all
changes in one (as long as changes concerns the same problem, ie. doc
corrections and improvements).

Each bug entry costs time, and it is a waste of time, especially for
maintainers, to create many bugs where they could could be merged.

> Also, I still would like answers to my questions about how to find and
> download uncommitted documentation patches (so I can start with the latest
> versions).

Please see the other message I just sent.

Thomas Harding
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Mark Dexter

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