Re: GNOME Online Accounts 3.34 won't have documents support

This is a tangent of a tangent, but:

On Mon, Jan 28, 2019 at 9:29 AM, Jeremy Bicha <jbicha ubuntu com> wrote:
Thank you for your reply. Ubuntu includes GNOME To Do by default in
18.04 LTS and still does. I guess we need to discuss whether it should
be removed by default, but we try to limit the adding and removing of
apps because of the disruption it causes to upgrading users. We added
it because we try to follow GNOME Core (for many reasons we are unable
to follow it completely) and we found the app fairly useful. We
appreciate you developing and maintaining it.

This is kinda my fault. I added To Do to core without consulting with design team. (I think I had consulted Georges? But it was a while ago.) Based on input from design team and also Fedora Workstation, we wound up adopting more a restrictive approach to managing the core apps, and subsequently removed To Do after a year or so. I think To Do was there by default in just one Fedora release.

The current list of core apps is here:

We'll be much more careful about adding apps in the future to ensure we have consensus and avoid backtracking on changes again. (I think Geary is still a very plausible candidate, though.)


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