Re: Tomboy replacement


On Fri, Feb 22, 2008 at 10:19 AM, Mark Fink <mpfink gmail com> wrote:
>  Why do you insist on belittling me? I'm doing more to protect your
>  software freedoms than anyone else here who are all speaking about how
>  MONO is fine. NO IT'S NOT!!

Where did you get your law degree?  How much experience do you have in
free software development and intellectual property?  What makes you
qualified to make this statement?

>  Exactly why no one should use it! It infringes on M$ patents all over the place!

"All over the place"?  Which patents are these?  Cite your references.

>  Uh... ? M$ MADE C#. They didn't made python or ruby!@

Meh.  Microsoft also made SMB, but I don't see you slamming Samba.
(Maybe it's just because this is a GNOME list and not Samba-related.)
Microsoft isn't the interesting innovator it once was, but it doesn't
mean they don't have ideas.  We have reimplemented plenty of good
ideas from Microsoft, Apple, Xerox, and hundreds of others over the

The statements you make are just rehashed hearsay.  They're neither
new nor convincing.

>  Roy Schestowitz said,
>  February 21, 2008 at 11:43 pm
>  How long before they decide to stick Glipper in the core in order to
>  compete with Klipper, I wonder…
>  The issue here is a chicken-and-egg one. Many people use Tomboy, so a
>  lot of development rigor will go into Tomboy and not into a lesser
>  known project that is used by fewer people. That's why the leadership
>  of GNOME needs to take action and reroute focus away from development
>  in C#.
>  When Stallman raised the issue in the mailing list, I think it was
>  Shaw who said that he would ask Novell to do this, or at least be
>  aware of the issue.

I think there's a reference to me?  But I have no idea what he (or
you, in citing this paragraph from someone who isn't very credible)
are talking about.

>  Roy Schestowitz said,
>  February 21, 2008 at 11:44 pm
>  Links about the announcement, for future reference and 'historical record':

Also for your "historical record", how about this one?

Just because something on the internet doesn't mean it's true, and
reposting one (inflammatory, and notoriously inaccurate) blog as a
source for the "historical record" isn't good research.  If I were
your teacher or professor, this argument/paper would get an F.

Anyway, I can't believe this is the thread that is going to cause me
to unsubscribe from d-d-l.


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