Re: Extreme memory usage for gnome-panel related apps

On Fri, 2007-11-30 at 22:46 +0100, Mark wrote:
> oh men.. do they really have that.. they must have been in a funny
> mode when they thought about that name. But about the contributing
> part.. providing patches for gnome (if even possible for me) isn't a
> problem.. that's fine but making new frameworks to improve the way
> gnome is running isn't something i would like to have for gnome only..
> things like that should just be available for any window manager
> (gnome, kde, openbox xfce etc..) but than again.. it will take at
> least a few years before i'm even capable of making a framework in C.
> (learning Java now) o well.. that's where the "patience" drops in ^_^

That's fine, learning how to write and contribute code doesn't happen
overnight. My point simply was that the topics you raise are already
well understood by people hacking on the code.. So in a way, and sorry
for sounding harsh, it's pretty disruptive and time consuming to read
such mails. Suppose just 60 developers each spent 10 minutes reading
this thread. That's ten man hours that could have been spent on fixing
bugs or implementing features.

The other point was that there are better forums (GNOME Love is one) to
learn about the problems and how to solve them. As much as I hate
linking to ESR's papers about contributing to open source, here they are

Hope this helps.


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