Re: Extreme memory usage for gnome-panel related apps

2007/11/30, David Zeuthen <david fubar dk>:
> Hi Markg85,
> On Fri, 2007-11-30 at 21:52 +0100, Mark wrote:
> > It's all a mather of time, money, patience and programming skills....
> > and i can't do it (yet)
> I must applaud you for your enthusiasm. However, it's a bit disruptive
> with these kind of mails on developer lists. May I suggest joining the
> GNOME Love project
> to learn more about how you can help fix these things in the GNOME
> Desktop. Thanks.
>       David

oh men.. do they really have that.. they must have been in a funny
mode when they thought about that name. But about the contributing
part.. providing patches for gnome (if even possible for me) isn't a
problem.. that's fine but making new frameworks to improve the way
gnome is running isn't something i would like to have for gnome only..
things like that should just be available for any window manager
(gnome, kde, openbox xfce etc..) but than again.. it will take at
least a few years before i'm even capable of making a framework in C.
(learning Java now) o well.. that's where the "patience" drops in ^_^

> p.s. : btw, it's considered bad form to cross-post between lists
> you did on your original mail. Please don't do that.

I will try to remember it. i rarely do cross mailing list posting.
this was actually the first or second time.

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