Re: CrackPipe [was: Re: Legacy apps and themes]

<quote who="Andrew Sobala">

> Looking at, and the
> real thing, it doesn't look so dissimilar to our own capplets. I don't
> know what you are envisaging.

Oh, I forgot about the later versions of CoG... No idea where that's gone

> > -> it was meant to be a nice, reasonably pretty,
> > TweakUI-style [1] preferences dialogue.
> Does anyone have any decent screenshots?

I will make some for you.

> You describe the user-interface in XML - not just what keys to use,
> although it's based around linking keys to UI elements. Think glade, but
> instead of arsing about trying to get tables HIG-compliant and then
> binding gconf callbacks to all the widgets, you just generate a decent
> dialog from it. And it's not as hard as it sounds. But it doesn't work
> properly yet.

Jonathan has been talking about GConf-aware widgets a while back, which I
believe are used in control-center -> he wanted to make these available in
Glade/libglade, which would definitely assist any GConf-backed GUI hacking.
Pretty sure his talk at GU4DEC will be about this, given the title. :-)

Not sure what the status is, but you might want to chat to him about it.

> btw, I _am_ developing crackpipe even if the current implementation has to
> be thrown away. So if people would explain what the difference between
> crackpipe and a super-advanced-crack-capplet is, it would be really
> helpful.

I'll have to try out what you've done from CVS -> regardless, thanks *heaps*
for getting this rolling, I'm sure there will be a lot of very thankful
obsessive compulsive types. :-) And me, 'cos I reckon it would keep some of
the trolls happy too. ;-)


- Jeff

GU4DEC: June 16th-18th in Dublin, Ireland   
   "There are men with an appetite for fight and a sense of occasion, and
                  then there is Waugh." - SMH, about Steve

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