Re: CrackPipe [was: Re: Legacy apps and themes]

<quote who="Andrew Sobala">

> Basically it reads an XML file of what keys to generate a user interface
> for and sticks them in a dialog. Currently supports text, file and boolean
> (checkbox-style) keys.

Someone else did a similar thing a while back, called CoG, but it's not the
infamous Crackpipe either. The idea behind Crackpipe was not to be a
half-arsed gconf-editor (that's essentially what you've described, and what
CoG was, sorry to be blunt) -> it was meant to be a nice, reasonably pretty,
TweakUI-style [1] preferences dialogue.

You can't automagically generate something like that. :-)

- Jeff

[1] From the Windows Powertoys collection released by Microsoft.

GU4DEC: June 16th-18th in Dublin, Ireland   
   "Boys will be boys, hackers will be hackers, geeks will be geeks, and
     cyberpunks will always just be ravers with Macintoshes." - Monkey
                            Master, Crackmonkey

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