Re: GNOME Development Series Snapshot 2.3.0: "Mighty Atom"

On Sun, 2003-04-13 at 05:01, Stephane Demurget wrote:
> On Sat, 2003-04-12 at 23:42, Sean Middleditch wrote:
> > Gaim isn't anywhere close to being a GNOME app?  ;-)  I still find it
> > annoying that I have to go thru the pain of typing in the command-line
> > necessary to launch my browser from within GAIM, for example.
> Can't you select Browser> Galeon ? Is this too hard ? ;) It's the
> default setting, now, heh ?

And what if I don't use Galeon?

My web-browser is already configured once, in my GNOME setup, and all my
GNOME apps use it.

Let's not also get into how incredible horrible it is to use
command-line apps to launch browsers versus something more useful like
bonobo controls (*not* embedding), which I'm hopeing GNOME moves to for
2.6 or so.

> Galeon being set up as the browser, when I click a link, an other tab is
> opened and the page is loaded ...

Great.  You use Galeon.  It happened to be the default.  That's just
you.  ;-)

> Cheers,
> --Stef

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