Re: GNOME Development Series Snapshot 2.3.0: "Mighty Atom"

On Sî, 2003-04-12 at 22:59, Mikael Hallendal wrote:
> lör 2003-04-12 klockan 21.51 skrev Marius Andreiana:
> > when it's started the first time, you click on accounts, add user and
> > then choose protocol ( yes, AIM/ICQ is the default, but Jabber is in the
> > list too, among Yahoo and others which many people use )
> So, how do people feel about chaing this to default to jabber?
I also think jabber should be the default selected as it's an open
protocol. I'll ask on gaim-devel list about this, maybe they'll make it
the default so gnome won't have another version.

Any other suggestions for better gaim integration in gnome2?

> -- 
> Marius Andreiana
> Soluţii informatice bazate pe Linux / Linux-based IT solutions

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