Re: Call to test CVS


dbera wrote:
> Beagle tries to remove any earlier document before adding a new one.
> The "Debug: -file:///..." is printed while trying to remove any document. If
> it is not present, nothing happens.
However, in this case the debug output "-file ..." is a bit confusing for a
illiterate SW tester ;).

> Notice that it says "Done crawling files" and not "Done indexing files"  :) .
> That message reports that beagle has finished crawling all files in your home
> directory and that the files that need to be indexed are waiting in a queue.
Well, might be it is possible to add another message "Done indexing files" when
all files in the queue have been processed.

> > > However: beagle-shutdown still doesn't work.
> This needs to be investigated. More on this later. Can you send me the files
> pointed to by ~/.beagle/Log/current-* (current-* are symlinks to the actual
> log files). Do a beagle-shutdown and then ctrl-c and then send me the log
> files.
I send the logs directly to you, not to the mainling list.

> What is the output of beagle-extract-content ? Is it possible to send me the
> file ?
Both output and file go to you in a separate mail - I don't want to spoil the
mailing list with several hundred kBytes.

Kind regards,

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