Re: Call to test CVS

	Thanks for all the testing. Its very helpful.

> I cleaned all indexes, logs, etc. and started from scratch with forced,
> quick indexing:
> setenv BEAGLE_EXERCISE_THE_DOG 1; beagled --fg --debug
> A bit strange, even with an empty index, beagle reports to remove files or
> directories from the index before adding them again:
> Debug: -file:///home/beagle/tests
> Debug: +file:///home/beagle/tests

Beagle tries to remove any earlier document before adding a new one. 
The "Debug: -file:///..." is printed while trying to remove any document. If 
it is not present, nothing happens.

> And, indeed, it stops indexing after a short while. Even when the final
> message appears before it has finished:
> Debug: Done crawling files!!!
> Debug:
> -file:///home/beagle/tests/Miriquidi.Bike.Trails/saidenbach_files/Sbt_13.gif 

Notice that it says "Done crawling files" and not "Done indexing files" :). 
That message reports that beagle has finished crawling all files in your home 
directory and that the files that need to be indexed are waiting in a queue.

> When I start beagle-search now, no notification area pops up anymore. As
> expected.

Joe will be able tell you more about this.

> However: beagle-shutdown still doesn't work.

This needs to be investigated. More on this later. Can you send me the files 
pointed to by ~/.beagle/Log/current-* (current-* are symlinks to the actual 
log files). Do a beagle-shutdown and then ctrl-c and then send me the log 

> After a while beagle stops indexing - nothing has changed in the meanwhile
> and no file or directory has been touched - and reports:
> Debug: Done crawling files!!!

That is good.

> Additionally:
> I have tried also to index the contents of an archive called
> "200302.html.tgz" but it does not work as expected. Only when I unpack it,

> Interesting: when I run beagle-extract-content over the archive the html
> file does not appear in the file list.

What is the output of beagle-extract-content ? Is it possible to send me the 
file ?

- dBera

Debajyoti Bera @
beagle / KDE fan
Mandriva / Inspiron-1100 user

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