RE: Calendar does not show time or date

I've compiled gnome-3.10.x on tinycorelinux, which does not use systemd or timedated.

The UTC offset is set to Asia/Dubai and the bios time/date to UTC.
Where did you locate Asia/Dubai?  What call/env var/etc.? 

The system is set up in a way analogous to Linux From Scratch 
( -install timezone data)

Basically a symlink /etc/localtime -> /usr/local/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Dubai And $TZ=Asia/Dubai 

It would be good if an alternative to systemd could be offered.

I'm curious, are you using GNOME's System Settings on your machine?  As I indicated, their time/date 
panel uses timedated to get/set the timezone. 

Do you mean gnome-control-center? If so, yes I'm using it and everything works fine expect those parts 
relying on timedated and friends. 

I went down the zoneinfo path when I first attacked this issue.  The problem with zoneinfo is that is can 
also symlink to straight-up time zones, like PST, which is not useful for iCalendar. 
And on my system (Ubuntu Trusty), /etc/localtime is not symlinked but appears to be a copy of 
America/Los_Angeles (which is symlinked to US/Pacific).  (This is also true on Utopic.)  TZ is not set, at 
least by default.

On Ubuntu (perhaps most Debian systems), I find an /etc/timezone as a text file with the proper Olson code 
in it.  Is that true for you as well?

Tinycorelinux is a very minimalist distro, so there's no /etc/timezone, but of course it could be added if 
that's what's required to get apps like California to work.

Just to make sure I've understood, could you give me an example of the proper Olson code for Asia/Dubai?


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