RE: Calendar does not show time or date

I went down the zoneinfo path when I first attacked this issue.  The problem with zoneinfo is that is can also symlink to straight-up time zones, like PST, which is not useful for iCalendar.  And on my system (Ubuntu Trusty), /etc/localtime is not symlinked but appears to be a copy of America/Los_Angeles (which is symlinked to US/Pacific).  (This is also true on Utopic.)  TZ is not set, at least by default.

On Ubuntu (perhaps most Debian systems), I find an /etc/timezone as a text file with the proper Olson code in it.  Is that true for you as well?

-- Jim

On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 1:48 AM, John Frankish <j-frankish slb com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 10:02 PM, John Frankish <j-frankish slb com> wrote: > > I've compiled gnome-3.10.x on tinycorelinux, which does not use systemd or timedated. The UTC offset is set to Asia/Dubai and the bios time/date to UTC. > Where did you locate Asia/Dubai?  What call/env var/etc.?
The system is set up in a way analogous to Linux From Scratch ( -install timezone data) Basically a symlink /etc/localtime -> /usr/local/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Dubai And $TZ=Asia/Dubai
> It would be good if an alternative to systemd could be offered. > I'm curious, are you using GNOME's System Settings on your machine?  As I indicated, their time/date panel uses timedated to get/set the timezone.
Do you mean gnome-control-center? If so, yes I'm using it and everything works fine expect those parts relying on timedated and friends.

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